why is my back itchy
i should stop scratching
but it's really hard
what should i eat
does he still love me
i'm really tired
i like this song
am i enough
weird dots by my leg
i'm better now
he's so stupid
ridiculous i cared so much
i'm pretty sure i have psorias
is that how you spell it
scalp so itchy
his smile is cute
he should open up more
i care about him
my back is ugly now with bumps
i wish i was healthy
i would pay so much
i want to stop this and play games
too bad it's due soon
it's cool though
ooo i care i care i care
like fingers through your hair
blah blah blah
this is a good song though
i have no idea why it resonates
i don't really have a lacy
or do i have one
i mean he did leave me
i guess i did huh
i never saw her as lacy
if anything i thought he was the stupid one
women supporting women
doesn't matter now
i have him
i love him
what is love really
i want him to get better
i wish he had someone for him
back when he needed it
i want to grow with him
but do i want to grow old
i don't know
i'm so pretty
am i narcissistic
this haircut is growing on me
perfume that you wear
i linger all the timeee
this is a lot
do i want to really put this in here
too late now
is it even legible
i don't think so
i guess that's the point huh
i love him
lacy oh lacy
something something hazy
that's definetely not right
neither is that
dang i'm twenty
what am i going to do with my life
nothing maybe
you know what i miss
i miss being ten
i miss being seventeen
i miss being eight
every age is amazing
besides fifteen
i hated fifteen and fourteen
help me please
i am so much better now
i know i have grown
i'm leaving people behind
but is that okay
to leave everyone behind
for the sake of growing
dazzling starlet
but is it also okay
to grow
for the sake of leaving
those you don't want behind
ah fuck
damage control
what's up
this is embarassing
idk man
am i doing too much
i care i care i care
i care so much
i'm kalissa
i'm 20
nice to meet you
this is too much.
this is okay.
this is good.